Monday, February 15, 2010

Simplify, Simplify, Simplify


And so it starts... the need to clear the clutter. We begin by building a space plan for the room. This is the tedious part where room dimensions are taken, as well as furniture dimensions. Software would make this task easier. Products such as Home and Landscape Design or HGTV Home Design and Remodeling Suite are available to purchase. For our purpose, graph paper will work just fine. Each 1/4" square will reflect 1'-0".  On your graph paper you will need to draw out the room dimensions. For the furniture, use another sheet of paper and cut out each of the major furniture pieces. This way you'll be able to move the furniture around easier to see what works. Ideally, you'd like to keep about 3' of clearance for a dressing area. This is the recommendation for any walkway in the house. The space plan will give you a general idea of what will work where. When you actually place the furniture in the room, there may be need for some minor adjustments. In any case, you'll save a lot of time and aching muscles if you plan the space first.


The hardest part of a child's room will be what to do with all the STUFF they have. It's amazing what a 6 year old has collected over the years. The easiest way to do this would be to clear the room and divide all the belongings to boxes for donations, trash and keep. My daughter has been eager to help with this believe it or not. I usually tell her that she can keep two or three of the five coloring books she never uses. This seems to do the trick. Anything to slim down the clutter is the key. Next, we have to figure out what's left and find a home for it. If you do not already have a closet organizer, this would be the time to install one. This will contain most of the toys, books and clothes. The rest of the room will be divided into different work spaces. You'll need a dressing area, work area and a play area. For our room, we'll be adding some shelves over the desk area and  a custom shelf/valance over the window that will run the length of the wall . This will house Kayla's collectible figurines.  We are also switching out her night stand to a narrow, but somewhat tall set a drawers that will be perfect for all the little things (jewelry, stickers, pens, etc.) in her room. We will also be adding some magnetic paint to portions of her wall. No need for bulletin boards. With these small additions, we'll be adding a ton of clean storage space.

Here is a view of her room before the re-do. This was not a very clean day.

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